Rick Glassman, DDS is a MAAFE member and is licensed to administer Therapeutic Injections with Botox for the relief of:
(excerpt from American Academy of Facial Esthetics)
Botox — famous for smoothing out wrinkles on the face — has been approved by the FDA to treat chronic migraine headaches in adults.
The FDA says Botox injections have been shown to be effective in the prevention of migraines, which are debilitating headaches that cause intense pulsing or throbbing pain and affect about 12% of Americans.
“Chronic migraine is one of the most disabling forms of headache,” Russell Katz, MD, of the FDA, says in a news release. “Patients with chronic migraine experience a headache more than 14 days of the month. This condition can greatly affect family, work, and social life, so it is important to have a variety of effective treatment options available.”
Migraine headaches are sometimes called “sick headaches” because they often are accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.
“I had migraines every day for over two years…I went five days without a migraine last week.”
Listen to real results!
Therapeutic Injections for the Treatment for MMH – ( Masseter Muscle Hypertrophy )

Before & After
BOTOX ® Treatment for Jaw Tension and TMJ
(excerpt from American Academy of Facial Esthetics)
BOTOX® is used as an alternative treatment for TMJ (temporo-mandibular joint) disorders and associated jaw tension and pain. When injected into facial muscles afflicted with soreness and discomfort, BOTOX® relieves TMJ and jaw tension for many patients. The injections often eliminate headaches resulting from teeth grinding, and, in cases of severe stress, BOTOX® can even minimize lock jaw. Although BOTOX® treatment for these conditions is presently experimental; evidence indicates that it can be extremely effective. http://www.facialesthetics.org/patient-info/botox-procedures/tmj-treatments
Botox vs. Conventional Bruxism Treatments
(excerpt from American Academy of Facial Esthetics)
Recently, Botox has proven to be an ideal treatment option for targeting and treating excessive muscle activity and spasticity. Many other treatments, such as anti-inflammatory medications and dental devices, do not address the source of the problem. Although dental devices can successfully protect teeth from damage at night for bruxism sufferers, they are ineffective in stopping the painful side effects of teeth grinding. http://www.facialesthetics.org/patient-info/botox-procedures/bruxism/
[Therapeutic injections of] Botulinum toxin type A for the treatment of hypertrophy of the masseter muscle.
(excerpt from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20517093)
Of a total 121 patients, six patients received two injections, 28 patients received three injections, 41 patients received four injections, 23 patients received five injections, 16 patients received six injections, six patients received seven injections, and one patient received eight injections. Overall masseter muscle size was reduced from 13.32 mm at the baseline visit to 9.94 mm at the last visit on average. As the number of visits increased through two to eight visits, the mean muscle size was decreased. According to the increase in the number of visits, the mean dose was decreased. There was no significant difference in muscle reduction effect analyzed by age subgroup. The muscle reduction effect after botulinum toxin treatment was better in patients with thicker masseter muscles.